We Buy and Sell Used Cell Phones, iPOD, Camera, and many other electronics.
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Great fund raising idea - used cell phone donation - nothing to sell
fundraising with cell phone donation
digiCircle.com helps individuals, companies, charitable organizations, religious groups, and any other institutions to raise funds with an easy and effective solution. As a fund raiser, you don't have to ask for cash donation and there is nothing for you to sell. You simply ask people to donate their used cell phones. Remember that the proceeds not only help your cause, your fund raising also helps our environment by increasing the circulation of used electronics and helps people who donate the items to reclaim their precious storage space at home. To receive the fund, all you need to do is collect, submit a sell order using our online system, and ship! We also have an unique frequent seller program, which will provide you an even higher return if you sell your collections to us often. For any items that hold no resale value, they will be recycled in an environmentally sound manner. So let's circulate to benefit today!
Download our toolkit to help your fund raising:
cell phone fundraiser toolkitFund Raising Event Announcement sample (Word document)
cell phone fund raising toolkitFund Raising Notice sample (Word document)
cell phone fundraiser toolkitCollection Bin Label sample (Word document)
Cell phone recycle collection binHow to make a collection bin? sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6
Used phone seller
digiCircle.com is accredited by San Francisco Busness Times
Member Reviews
Arrived in timely matter and in good conditions. - Sara R, La feria, Texas
Phone was as advertised, excellent service, and prompt delivery. Overall great experience! I will be returning. - jason l, Sheridan, Arkansas
Item worked great no issues. - evellyn m, MAGNA, Utah
See More Reviews (1649)

digiCircle.com is accredited by San Francisco Busness Times
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